"no one else will ever know the strength of my love for you...after all,
you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from
the inside."

Friday, March 2, 2012

Project 52:3

Motherhood is:


academic, cultural, informational,informative, instructive, scholarly, scholastic, tutorial.

Happy Birthday Dr.Seuss!!! Today we celebrate the 108th birthday of one of my favorite authors! I LOVE to read. I LOVE to learn. I LOVE to read to my son and see his curious face study the pages of the books! Motherhood gives us a chance to teach our children numerous things and educate them on this thing we call life. I've noticed parents these days are allowing their children to play dumb or not really care about their education. Education to me is not only in school but in our everyday lives. I hope to one day educate my son on these things:

1. Manners. My fiance and I recently talked about raising our son to say "yes sir." and "no sir" . It's very sad how in this day and age the kids these days have a lack of manners. I hope my son remembers that manners come from his respect for people and that is always a quality you want to have.

2. Failure. If there is one thing each one of has been through at some point in life it's failure. I'm not saying I don't want my son to succeed but what I am saying is I want him to be able to get back up and work that much harder. I feel like too many of us moms don't want to see our children sad or hurt so we save them from any disappointment in life and really that's just setting them up to fail.
3. Integrity. This is one of those things I PRAY my son understands. I want him to be a man of integrity. To do good when nobody is looking,to help those in need without praise,and to know that doing the right thing when sometimes it's hard is always worth it.

4. Humbleness. My fiance is one of the most amazing men I know and one HUGE reason why I love him so much is how humble he is. He is amazing and successful at everything he does and yet you would never know it by how he talks about things. I hope my son is exactly like his father when it comes to this. I have seen kids talk about how they scored this many points or did this move to win the game but when it comes down to it those that have to brag usually are doing so because talk is the only thing they have.

5. How to value his education. I regret not putting everything I have and am into my schoolwork. I want my son to appreciate his teachers for everything they sacrafice to teach him. I want him to never be ashamed of being smart. I want him to love learning. I want him to be wise. I want him to be smart. I want him to always ask questions. I want him to strive to learn more. I want him to be that kid that reads ahead not to be number one but because he is so eager to continue to learn. I want him to know that his education is a gift. I want him to love to read and not on a nook,iphone,or any type of pad but real "paper pages" books. Why where else where he learn of all the "thinks he can think."except in a book of course.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Project 52:2

Motherhood is:


 burn out, disable,enfeeble,fatigue, frazzle, overexert, poop out, run ragged,tucker out.

I love my baby boy but who knew that diapers,feedings,and all his little cooing could burn you out so quickly. I have a new respect for mommys all over the world. I have been very lucky though because my son has been a very good sleeper since day one! This is what I think or have thought about the exhausting parts of motherhood:
1. I have learned to nap when he naps. I always try to get things done instead of fully taking advantage of this down time and trust me it catches up quickly.
2. You will at some point just stare at him in amazement at how peaceful they can sleep and in this "if i were staring at anything but my child this long it would be creepy moment" you will realize that all the sleepy moments are worth it.
3. Baby yawns have got to be one of the cutest things in the world!!!
4. I bet he is more exhausted than I am...he was curled up inside me swimming for 9 months!
5. I have learned that because of the sheer exhaustion being a mommy can take on your body...water does a body good.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project 52:1

 Motherhood is:



I had always heard that you will look and feel exhausted after labor. I heard that I would feel anything but beautiful. In all honesty I never felt more beautiful! I was beautiful because of several things:
1. I had just given birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy.
2. I had the strength to withstand 6 hours of pain at home going from a 0 to 7 without any medicine.
3. I had endured 9 months of severe illness to finally see the miracle that was bestowed upon me.
4. After my epidural I was able to apply my make-up up and my eyelashes have never looked better.
5. I was holding the little boy that I knew would forever change my life...and that was simply beautiful.