Motherhood is:
I had always heard that you will look and feel exhausted after labor. I heard that I would feel anything but beautiful. In all honesty I never felt more beautiful! I was beautiful because of several things:
1. I had just given birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy.
2. I had the strength to withstand 6 hours of pain at home going from a 0 to 7 without any medicine.
3. I had endured 9 months of severe illness to finally see the miracle that was bestowed upon me.
4. After my epidural I was able to apply my make-up up and my eyelashes have never looked better.
5. I was holding the little boy that I knew would forever change my life...and that was simply beautiful.
I thought you were gorgeous! And Gabriel is just so perfect!!! I loved that when I walked in you had make-up on and I couldn't believe you even showed up with out it! I love you both! Please kiss my nephew for me and tell him I love him!